Busch Gardens Williamsburg page 2

Apollo's Chariot was my favorite coaster today! Please ignore the two queens cruising some guy out of picture frame.

I hope Goliath at SFOG is just as good when it opens!

This has got to be the longest lift hill in log flume history!

All of the coasters at BGW tower over everything..but they are also about 3 miles
away from everything too!

This bronze whore fountain reminded me of Alicia.

And this Big Daddy lollypop reminded me of Brian.

This kid almost went through the floor stomping on this DDR machine.
Hello!! There is a weight limit!

James bought me a delicious pretzel rod....lol, rod.

John sure was missing his other half today.

Really missing him!

I used my fly skills of shooting liquid into tight holes to win this dope Brian doll...whut whut?

They got donkeys! Shout outs to TPR!

More rides on Alpie....

..and more rides on Big Bad Wolf.

Luckily I had my lip injections the weekend before.

You just can not keep them out of drag for long!

What a super swell day at Busch Gardizzle Williambizzle. This park
is one of my favs now...holla back!

Next Stop, South of the Border!